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NEO publications


Fifth collection of articles "International Credit Mobility - 2021" (download) 

Collection of articles "Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan - 2021" (download)

Summary report of intermediate research “Impact of the Erasmus+ CBHE projects on development and modernisation of higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan (UZRU)

Study on Structural Impacts of projects funded by the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) action (EN)

NEW! NEO poster “Impact of the Erasmus+ CBHE projects on development and modernisation of higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan (2015-2020)” (EN, UZ, RU)
NEW! Impact of the Erasmus+ CBHE projects on development and modernisation of higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan. INTERMEDIATE NATIONAL IMPACT STUDY (EN, RU)

Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education action - Regional reports (download)

Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education: Online Grantholders’ Meeting - 25-29 January 2021 

Collection of articles «Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan – 2020» (download)

This brochure is the 9th  edition of the annual publication of papers provided mainly by Erasmus+ CBHE project participants, which is published with a view to disseminate information about programme activities in Uzbekistan and to promote best practice and achievements of numerous cooperation projects implemented by the local universities and the European universities.


Fourth collection of articles "International Credit Mobility - 2020" (download)

Guidelines on customs clearance procedure for equipment purchased within Erasmus+ projects 2020 (EN, UZ, RU)

Collection of articles «Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan – 2019» (download)

Third collection of articles "International Credit Mobility - 2019"  (download)


Leaflet "Capacity Building in Higher Education 2019" (EN, UZRU)


25 years of European Union – Uzbekistan higher education cooperation and future perspectives (download)

Erasmus+ Infographics 2018 (download)  

Collection of articles «Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan – 2018» (download)


Second collection of articles "International Credit Mobility - 2018" (download)

Collection of articles «Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan – 2017» (download)

Leaflet "Capacity Building in Higher Education 2017" (EN, UZRU)

First collection of articles "International Credit Mobility - 2017" (download

 Collection of articles «Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan – 2016» (download 12 МВ


Collection of articles «Tempus IV in Uzbekistan – 2015» (download 6.2 МВ)


Collection of articles 2014 "Tempus: 20 years of programme activities in Uzbekistan" (download 4.6 МВ)


Collection of articles "Tempus IV in Uzbekistan - 2013" (download 4.9 МВ)

Collection of articles "Tempus IV in Uzbekistan - 2012" (download 2.8 МВ)


Guidelines for local coordinators of Tempus projects in Uzbekistan (download 1.6 МВ


Newsletter for 6 month 2013 (download 1 МВ) 


Digest 2012 (download 1.8 МВ)