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The National priorities are defined for one of the Erasmus+ components the Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE), which continue to fund Tempus like activities. The national priorities cover four categories of priorities, which ensure focussing project interventions on a limited number of strategic areas. The four categories apply to both project types (Joint and Structural Projects). This approach proved indeed to be very successful, to provide consistency with the partner countries’ needs to the widest possible extent and to ensure high relevance of the projects funded as well as strong local ownership in the Partner Countries targeted.

National priorities for Uzbekistan have been defined during consultations between the European Commission and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialised Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the 1st Call of  Proposals in 2015. No changes have been introduced yet.

The national and regional priorities will be updated and made available on the programme website in October 2016.

The list of national priorities with acronyms of financed Tempus projects and CBHE projects of 2015 will help to consider studying the results of completed projects and the priorities, which have not been covered so far.