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5 call-2019


5 call - 2019


Selected CBHE projects (Capacity Building in Higher Education) with involvement of HEIs of the Republic of Uzbekistan (5-Call, 2019)



As for the Central Asian region total of 15 new projects were selected for funding, including 5 projects with the participation of higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan, including 2 national projects. MHSSE will be directly involved in 2 new projects.

It should be noted that  in total 14 local HEIs, including 7 HEIs of Tashkent and 7 HEIs from 6 country regions, are involved in 2 national projects (1.8 million euros), 2 regional projects with the participation of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan (1.8 million euros), and 1 cross-regional project involving universities of Palestine and Tunis (1 million euros).

18 universities of 13 European Member States and 13 universities from 5 partner countries will participate in new projects. 

It is important to note that the National Institute of Arts and Design, the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan and the Fergana Polytechnic Institute will participate in Erasmus + projects for the first time.
Particularly long-awaited news and evidence of the growing potential of the republic’s universities is the role of the grant holder coordinator in the SPACECO project by the Tashkent University of Information Technology, which means managing the entire international consortium and the project budget.
The list of projects with the information on the composition of project consortiums, periods and approved budget.