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Regional seminar: “Developing internal quality assurance system in HEIs”

Regional seminar: “Developing internal quality assurance system in HEIs”

A regional seminar on the topic of “Developing internal quality assurance system in HEIs” was held on March 6-7 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The Uzbekistan delegation consisted of the representatives of the State Inspection for Supervision of  Quality in Education, Westminster International university in Tashkent, National team of Higher Education Reform Experts and National Erasmus+ office in Uzbekistan.   

During the two- day seminar EU experts Ms Tia Loukkola, European University Association, and Mr Lucien Bollaert, international quality assurance expert, delivered presentations and shared their experience on quality assurance in higher education. 
On the first day of the seminar the participants analysed the  national quality assurance systems in 4 Central Asian countries, namely Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. On the second half of the day participants resumed discussions in the format of World Café’ during which topics like student-centered learning, study programs design, teaching staff / Human Resource Management and information management at the university were reviewed and relevant recommendations were proposed. Moreover, the participants exchanged opinions on concept, goal and policies of internal quality assurance systems in HEIs and on improving the quality of study programs.   
The second day was dedicated to the presentations of EU experts on best practices for building internal quality assurance systems in the EU universities: challenges, current trends and prospects. Throughout the day delegates of 4 participating countries were divided into groups by countries and developed recommendations on internal quality assurance for students, HEIs’ staff members, HEIs and ministries. Those recommendations were further discussed together with EU experts during the plenary session.
The seminar, being performed in a high level, enabled the delegates to share their views and obtain new perspectives on the topic.