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Erasmus+ project ERAMCA (2020-2023)

Erasmus+ project ERAMCA (2020-2023)


The online field monitoring meeting with the project teams of Erasmus+ CBHE ERAMCA took place on 14 August 2020. The regional project involving universities of Italy, Germany, Croatia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan is aimed on development of Master’s program in environmental risk assessment and mitigation for cultural heritage objects, Creation of a pilot digital library with open source code to offer an interdisciplinary approach on the preservation of cultural heritage to interested universities and creation of laboratories.
The project teams of Samarkand State Architectural and Civil Engineering Institute, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent have already successfully started the project activities in close cooperation with associated partners- the UNESCO Office of Tashkent and the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan to drive the project towards an internationally accepted standard and a real understanding of local needs. The project website https://www.eramca.com/  will be available soon. 
The information about the project is also available in the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.